Hey class of 2026!
Check out my
Senior Portraits!

LaTour Design’s Senior Influencer Team

Class of 2024 Seniors, It’s time to focus on you!

LaTour Design is looking for rising seniors from Waukesha & the Lake Country area. We are now accepting a limited number of future graduates for our 2021 Influencer Team. We understand how exciting and important this time is and want to make your senior portraits just as memorable. This isn’t just about getting gorgeous photos, its about the experience that comes with it! I pride myself in being a boutique and being able to give my senior team the ultimate portrait experience – and, more importantly, the opportunity to work on leadership skills and give back to the community.

What is LaTour Design’s Senior Influencer Team?

LD’s Senior Influencer team is made up of girls from local Lake Country high schools (Kettle Moraine, Oconomowoc, Arrowhead, Pewaukee, Mukwonago, etc). The team participates in a year long exclusive senior experience that gives them the chance to be a positive influence to others, tell their story, make a difference and create unique, awesome images. The team will have opportunities to participate in several creative and fun photo shoots.

Why should you choose my senior influencer Team?

LaTour Design’s influencer team is different from other model rep programs in the area. The difference is that the mission behind the team is to positively impact you and your community by sharpening your leadership skills, building close-knit relationships and serving as examples to younger school kids. In addition to that, you’ll participate in exclusive, one-of-a-kind photo shoot opportunities throughout the year. There will be concept creative sessions that will result in unique images that your friends will not get. Think of this as the most fun and unique extracurricular activity you’ve done! And yes, you can put this on college applications.

What do you receive for being a member
of LaTour Design’s senior influencer team?

Each year, what I offer changes. But what doesn’t change is the value that you and your family would get from being a member of the team. A few (yes, they get much more) things the class of 2021 team members are getting:

• Exclusive senior spring/fall shoot out – hair and makeup styling included!

• Participation in other concept creative shoots & projects throughout the year.

• You and your BFF will get a mini session together!

• Gift voucher of $50 to go towards a family session. Must be used within a year of the issued date.

• Downloadable, shareable images for social media from all concept sessions.

• A chance to win cash and prizes.

How do I join and what is the sign-up process?

There are no fees to fill out an application, so please do! All applications for class of 2024 must be turned in by January 31st 2023. If selected, LaTour Design will contact you to set up a time for you and your parents to meet at the studio. At the studio, we will go over any questions and the program details. If you love what you hear, we sign the contract, at which your team investment will be collected. We also will book your senior portrait date to make sure you get the date and time you want! Contact me about the price to join.

• When you apply, you must be a junior in high school. The team starts shooting early in
the year and leads into summer of your senior year.

• Must be comfortable in front of a camera, energetic, fun, outgoing and active on social media.

• Must be willing (and hopefully wanting=) to post on your social media accounts your experience (thoughts
or recommendations) from each session. One post minimal per session. Sharing more love would be awesome, but that is up to you!

• Parent or guardian MUST give permission and sign contract in order to join team.

• Must plan to work exclusively with LaTour Design your senior year and must book your
senior session at the signing of the contract.

• Direct referrals are not a requirement, but they do give you the opportunity to earn additional $50 gift
vouchers for each booked referral.

Apply to
join the team
Contact us with
any questions

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